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Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition

Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition

This is a group of graph paper paper art exhibition works from London, England. The magical production full of creativity gives friends who like paper art a refreshing feeling. This exhibition is for charity and aims to raise some funds for cancer patients. Many well-known designers participated in the creation of this exhibition (although they all used anonymous or pseudonyms in the creation). Many of these works can indeed be called simple and elegant masterpieces!

1. Rorschachs Carnival Produced by Johanna Bashford.

Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition

2. Paper airplane made by Viable London.

Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition

3. One Represents Sadness Produced by Sam Johnson.

Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition

4. Five Dancers Produced by Richard Sweeney.

Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition

5. Man Sitting on the Edge Produced by Simon Heijdens.

Appreciation of exquisite works at London Graph Paper Art Exhibition