When making greeting cards by yourself, you usually like all kinds of three-dimensional greeting cards. In fact, three-dimensional greeting cards are not only the ones that can be opened and turned into three-dimensional. Isn’t it also beautiful to have a three-dimensional pattern on the cover? The three-dimensional butterfly looks very beautiful, and with various small flowers, it is simply super beautiful, so you can consider making this kind of three-dimensional greeting card.
Main material: Two colors of greeting card paper, Tools required: Scissors, white latex, printer, utility knife, Production steps:
Step 1: Prepare two colors of greeting card paper

Step 2: Draw the outline of this butterfly wing on the front of the greeting card paper

Step 3: Then use a utility knife to cut it and fold it to look like a three-dimensional butterfly

Step 4: Use a printer to create the appearance of flowers and small leaves

Step 5: Then combine the two flowers into one flower

Step 6: Wrap the thin strip of paper around the wire, then take it off and you will have a beautiful thread

Step 7: Glue the thread around the butterfly

Step 8: Then glue beautiful flowers and leaves on it

Step 9: Isn’t the effect produced in this way very beautiful

Step 10: Such a three-dimensional greeting card with a three-dimensional butterfly is completed