How to fold carnations? There are many ways to fold carnations, but many of them are quite complicated. Today, the production department will give you a simple illustration of how to fold carnations. With just one piece of origami paper, you can make paper flowers that look like real carnations. You can also check out: How to fold carnations How to fold crepe paper carnations.
Illustration of how to fold a simple carnation
Carnations are the best choice for sending flowers to mothers on Mothers Day. In 1907, carnations were first used as the symbol of Mothers Day, so carnations are known as the flowers dedicated to mothers. Many countries regard carnations as the national flower.
Origami carnation materials: a square piece of paper and a pair of scissors
How to fold carnations:
Step 1: Fold the triangle in half twice (note that if the paper is a single-sided color, fold the colored side inward)
Step 2:
Turn the triangle over and fold it in the open area, and do the same on the other side
Step 3:
Fold the left and right edges in half along the middle line
Fold in the same way as other places
Step 4:
Use scissors to cut along the black line
Cut it as roundly as possible
Step 5: Cut the round area into a zigzag shape
Step 6: Then fold in half along the middle
Step 7: Fold the lower corner upward along the middle line
Step 8: Partially open the carnation petals
The simple carnation folding method is completed!
Origami flower carnation
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