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How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps

Racing cars are the best memories of our childhood. Today the production department brings you a very simple folding method of paper racing cars. Not only does this paper racing car have a very cool The appearance, and if you fold a lot in batches, you can form a powerful racing team! Let’s learn how to fold a racing car with the production department!

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
How to fold a super simple paper racing car

How to fold a paper racing car:

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Prepare a piece of rectangular paper. There is no limit to the paper size. The larger the paper, the larger the folded racing car will be.

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
First, fold two vertical cross stars on both sides of the origami

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Then fold them inward into two overlapping triangles.

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Then we fold the paper on both sides of the triangle inwards, as shown in the picture above

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Select one side of the triangle and fold it into a square.

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Bend the triangle on the other side until it is inserted into the two folded square pieces of paper

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Flatten it

How to fold a super simple paper racing car. Learn how to fold a racing car in 6 steps
Finally, slightly adjust the paper racing car to make it look more three-dimensional. This kind of paper racing car can be displayed for viewing, or it can be used instead of marbles to compete with friends to see who can play better. Now you have learned how to fold a racing car, come and give it a try!

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