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How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.

Paper flowers have many uses, they can be used to decorate gifts, parties, or be worn at fancy evenings. In fact, paper flowers are very easy to make, and there are many methods. Try one of the following methods to make your own paper flowers.

How to fold a large paper flower is part of a series of tutorials on folding flowers using paper towels. The tutorials also include folding a large paper flower, folding a paper daisy, folding a paper rose, and twisting out A paper towel flower. If you want to know how to fold a large paper flower, follow the production department to see the tutorial on folding a paper flower using paper towels.

How to fold large paper flowers

  1. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.1Organize the paper. Place one tissue neatly on top of the other, aligning the corners, creases, and if not, try your best.
  2. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.2Origami. Fold the pieces of paper into an accordion style. Make sure each fold is about 2.5cm long. Fold all the paper towels together until there is no room left.
  3. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.3Fold in half. Align the two ends to make it easier to unfold. Fold in both directions so that the creases are more elastic.
  4. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.4Wrap the wire. Wrap a wire around the middle crease to make the paper flower strong enough, and then twist the wire into a line to make a "branch".
    • Alternative: Secure the wire with staples. Take the flower and use staples to attach the accordion shape to the wire, making sure the wire leaves enough of the stem. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.
  5. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.5Make the stem part. Use a long section of wire to make a stem as long as you want, and cut off the excess. Or you can skip the stem and just cut off the lower part of the upper "branch".
  6. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.6Unfold the paper. Start from the top or bottom and unfold the paper towels one by one so that all pieces are separated from the others. Be careful not to tear it. In this step, you are actually unfolding the previous accordion-shaped part.
  7. How to fold a large paper flower. Check out this tutorial on folding a flower using paper towels.7Expand the petals. After unfolding the paper, adjust the petals so that they are farther apart from each other. Do it one petal at a time if necessary.

DIY Tips

  • You can add a spray of glue and glitter to complete the rose finishing step.
  • Spray some perfume to make the paper flowers smell nice, or add a drop of essential oil in the center.
  • You can use pipe cleaners, rubber bands, stringOr bundle filaments instead of wires.
  • Cut paper towels into small pieces to make smaller flowers.

Use paper towels to fold a flower

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