The production of origami insects belongs to a large category of origami production, and can even be separated from the production of animal origami as a separate category, because there are many styles and production tutorials about insect origami itself. This is not only related to the unique structure of the insects themselves, but also because there are many types of insects in nature, and even insects in the same family have obviously different appearances and styles. It also brings a lot of challenges and a lot of fun to origami designers and makers.
Tetsu Kamiya’s origami unicorn origami production comes from Giovanna Tonazzo’s flickr
The origami insect you see here is an origami unicorn. The designer of this origami drawing is the famous Tetsuji Kamiya. I believe that many experienced origami friends have already tried or challenged this origami production. This origami unicorn is very eye-catching in its folding configuration and folding effect. We all know that the biggest feature of the unicorn is the exaggerated bulge on its chest and back. In the production of origami, this The folding of the angular structure has become the focus.
Tetsu Kamiya’s origami unicorn origami production comes from Giovanna Tonazzo’s flickr
Another particularly noteworthy part is the insect’s wings. Obviously different from the wings of birds or dinosaurs, insect wings tend to look simpler in style. Since the rhinopterus belongs to the order Coleoptera, the structure of its forewings is elytra, while the structure of the hind wings isIt is membranous. Under normal conditions, the hind wings are protected by the forewings. The hind wings are only displayed when flying. The origami unicorn designed by Tetsuji Kamiya here is a unicorn in flight. Its hind wings have been separated from the protection of the forewings and are displayed. The folding design here is a clever use of paper. Achieved with double-sided colors.