When learning to make origami triangle inserts, First of all, we need to learn the basic production method of the origami triangular plug unit. This is the triangular fork unit that is very important for the production of the triangular plug. The reason why it is very important is because our common origami triangular plugs are made by origami. The triangle plug unit was completed by the leader of the group, so if you have not learned this quick method of making the triangle plug unit, you may not be able to complete the design and production of a wonderful or very large handmade triangle plug. We have seen many wonderful handmade origami triangle designs and production tutorials. However, these production tutorials need to be completed quickly in a short time, so they do not introduce how to make the basic origami triangle unit. However, It doesn’t matter, we are here to recommend this manual origami illustration tutorial to everyone. This manual origami illustration tutorial is to tell you how to complete the basic triangular insert unit through a simple and quick folding method, and you will learn this manual origami. After the method, you can also complete the production of multiple hand-made origami triangle insert basic origami units in a short time.
The production of all kinds of beautiful and interesting origami triangle plugs is inseparable from the basic origami triangle plug units. That is, before making these wonderful handmade origami triangle plugs, we need to prepare a sufficient amount of origami triangle plug units. This is a big challenge for many hand-made origami enthusiasts. It is good to learn how to quickly make origami triangles by hand, which will help everyone quickly complete the complex origami triangles that they have designed.
Step 1:
First fold in half according to the long side
Step 2:
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Step 3:
Fold toward the middle line
Step 4:
Fold both sides
Step 5:
Turn over
Step 6:
Fold small triangles on both sides
Step 7:
Flip up according to the edges
Step 8:
Fold in half
Step 9:
< p>
Perfect! There are only three here!