OrigamiThe name of Kaigami Tetsushi is known to almost everyone. Many seemingly impossible origami creations were designed and made by Tetsushi Kamiya. Many of Tetsu Kamiya’s production tutorials have become classics. What’s even more amazing is that Tetsu Kamiya’s origami creations have never stopped. Every year you can enjoy the latest origami creations created by Tetsu Kamiya and learn some of Tetsu Kamiya’s designs. The latest origami tutorials. Magical origami events have been staged again and again, setting off a wave of people understanding and learning origami. If simple origami no longer satisfies you, then try Tetsushi Kamiya’s origami tutorial.
The Kamiya Crane that I saw before has made many friends excited (for detailed drawing tutorials, please refer to: Kamiya Tetsu Origami Tutorial: Kamiya Crane Origami Drawings, among which there is Kamiya Tetsu’s Kamiya Crane origami Detailed drawing tutorial, you can copy and learn), and another classic origami work by Tetsu Kamiya is this more complicated-looking drawing tutorial for Tetsu Kamiya’s Origami Phoenix 3.5! At the same time, this origami tutorial can also be regarded as a classic in origami making by Tetsu Kamiya. The 177 origami steps make many origami enthusiasts sigh, but when you spend a lot of time making this origami phoenix by Tetsu Kamiya, the sense of self-surpassing satisfaction will definitely make you feel more relaxed and happy than ever before.
If such complex origami is made simply by folding in half or other simple folding methods, the final result would be unimaginable, so in Tetsu Kamiya’s origami phoenix making tutorial we can see a lot of pre-folding The folding pattern of trace polymerization. This folding method is a very common folding method in modern origami, and it is also a necessary folding method for making some complex origami. Tetsushi Kamiya’s Origami Phoenix also uses this folding method extensively, and turns origami creation into the creation of works of art, allowing us to feel the magic of origami like never before. likeIf you like to challenge yourself, love origami, and have never made Tetsu Kamiya’s origami phoenix, now is the perfect time to give it a try!
While sharing the Origami Phoenix by Tetsu Kamiya, we will also share the download addresses and introduction instructions of some other origami tutorials. These origami tutorials are also very exciting. You can download these origami tutorials and save them, or you can Start studying them directly. Because these origami tutorials do not have detailed illustrated instructions like those in Origami Encyclopedia Illustrated, there may be some challenges in the folding operation. But if you like origami, you will naturally not be afraid of these challenges. Click to start the tutorial now and start learning!