AnimalsOrigami IllustrationsThere is an origami animal that is loved by everyone, that is the making of origami panda. The biggest feature of the panda is its black and white appearance. However, if its black and white look like that of a weasel, no one will probably like it. However, its black color always appears just right, such as in the eyes and ears. Black hair can be seen on the mouth and mouth. Because of this unique style, pandas have become a cute animal that everyone loves. This simpleorigami production is to use two sides of black and white paper to make a beautiful origami panda. Since the basic folding method is simple, everyone can try making it.
This origami panda tutorial comes from origmai-make, I believe it is often madeOrigami rose< Friends of span style="color: #000000"> may be quite familiar with its bloom4ever. The origami tutorial itself is quite clear. The actual photo tutorial completes the production of the entire origami panda face step by step, and can indeed show the cute feeling of the panda. This origami panda will work best if you use black and white paper. The only thing that feels a little weird is that the eyes of the origami panda look a bit resentful here...
1. Turn the dark side of the paper upward, fold the top edge toward the bottom edge, and then restore the fold.
2. Fold left and right in half, and also restore the fold. Leave a crease.