Sometimes due to special reasons, we have to leave messages to our friends, colleagues or family members. When leaving messages, the most commonly used prop is message cards. However, it is difficult for an ordinary message card to attract others' attention because it has no special features. Now you don't have to worry about this problem. The heart-shaped hand-made origami diy message card made through this handmade origami illustrated tutorial will definitely add a lot of color to your message. , especially there is a beautiful origami heart above it, which is absolutely irreplaceable by other message cards. Now let’s try this tutorial on making handmade origami heart-shaped message cards!
1. First, choose the paper of the color you want as the basic material. It is recommended to use red single-sided paper. The heart shape above the message card will be a red heart, which is very atmospheric. First fold the four sides of the paper in half, then unfold them to leave creases.
2. At this time, cut the paper from the middle vertical line.
3. Only use half of the paper. Then fold the left and right long sides of the paper in half. After unfolding, leave a vertical crease in the middle.
4. Fold the top edge of the paper down one-third. After restoration, creases continue to remain.
5. Then fold the top edge of the origami model downward, and the position where it is folded is the crease left by the previous step.
6. At this time, flip the origami model over.
7. Fold the top left and right corners of the heart-shaped origami message card toward the middle.
8. Then turn the top corner of the entire origami model backwardsfold. The folding range can be operated according to the creases in the origami diagram.
9. Now, as shown by the thick white arrow, fold the origami model upwards, paying attention to the assistance of relevant creases.
10. At this time, fold the origami model that was folded upward in the previous step downward in half.
11. Then fold the left and right corners of the bottom of the origami model diagonally upward. The folding amplitude is relatively small, just refer to the crease.
12. Fold the lower half of the origami model upward until it reaches the top middle part of the origami model.
13. Turn it over and see if you can easily make an origami heart-shaped message card. This unique message card can also be placed upright on the table, which is very practical. However, this message card cannot be used as a letter. If you need to make a unique heart-shaped envelope, you should check out this tutorial: Origami Heart Envelope Origami Atlas.