Handmade three-dimensional house origami, this is a medium-difficulty origami house tutorial. If you want to learn handmade origami of a three-dimensional house, then follow our illustrations on how to fold a three-dimensional house!
A. Us Two sheets of graph paper are required.
Dark gray (20cmx20cm) is the roof, light color (17cmx17cm) is the wall.
B. You Change the paper size. If you start with a 15cmx15cm piece of regular origami for the roof, then you should cut the edge of the second piece of paper so that it is 12.75cmx12.75cm.
1. From The paper begins with the roof of the house.
The front will be the top of the roof.
Fold the paper in half horizontally, then unfold it.
2. Yes Fold half vertically and then unfold.
3.Here Complete the horizontal "folding" and then unfold.
4. Complete a vertical " Fold in half” and unfold.
5.Here Complete the four valley folds and then unfold.
6.Here Complete the crease pattern shown on the left.
7. Focus on the area enclosed by the dotted circle.
8.Here Complete the vertical valley fold.
9.Here Complete the valley fold.
10.Here Complete the vertical valley fold.
11. Completed step10 vertical valley fold.
Another valley fold is completed here.
12. Zoom out to view the entire roof model.
13. The roof model is rotated 90 degrees.
14. In Repeat steps 7-14 for the second corner.
15. In Repeat steps 7-14 for the third corner.
16. In Repeat steps 7-14 for the fourth corner.
17. The roof model is rotated 45 degrees.
18.Here Complete four valley folds.
19. Four valley folds are completed here.
20.Here Complete four valley folds.
21. Complete Step 20: Make four valley folds.
You have now completed the origami of the roof.
Use another piece of paper to make the main body of the house.
22. Click The link above makes the main body of the house.
23. Follow Arrow directions insert top and left.
24. Follow Insert the top and left sides in the direction of the arrows from step 23.
25. Now , we need to insert the bottom and left sides.
26. Insert enddepartment.
27. Insert left side.
28. House model put down.
29. Origami house model turned over. diyju.com
30. Origami house model rotated 90 degrees.
31. Origami house model rotated 90 degrees.
This is the front view of the origami house model.
32. Good La!
You have completed the origami of the three-dimensional house.
Origami house
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