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How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

For those who like origami planes, a cool origami plane that can fly freely in the sky is their ultimate dream. And this Cobra Cruiser Origami Fighter definitely meets this requirement. In the past, we have also made some paper airplanes that look very cool in appearance, but because these paper airplanes are mostly assembled or have undergone some obvious cutting, they cannot be called real paper airplanes. Origami aircraft, and their flying capabilities are also obviously weak, and some even have only ornamental value, but cannot truly fly in the air, which also reduces the practicality of these origami aircraft a lot.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

This puts forward very high requirements for the design of origami airplanes, that is, the style must be very cool and novel, and at the same time, the flying ability should not be affected by the style. The style of this Cobra Cruiser origami plane at least breaks away from the style of traditional origami planes, and in terms of flying ability, this origami plane is also very strong. Because he has a good wingspan, this is a great guarantee for his flying ability. Generally, the design process of origami airplanes with good flying ability takes into account that the head should be slightly heavier. This Origami Fighter also takes this into full consideration. The wings of the airplane itself are sufficiently light. Very suitable for flying freely in the air. Definitely a super aircraft worth trying.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

Before making this origami airplane, you need to prepare some basic materials and tools. The materials are naturally very simple. You only need a piece of A4 paper to complete the production of this origami airplane. You need to prepare a ruler and pencil as auxiliary materials, but nothing else is needed. You can officially start making this origami airplane.

1. First fold the A4 paper as shown in the picture, that is, fold the structure on the left side of the paper in half crosswise, fold out a square area, fold the origami model back and forth after bending and folding, leaving the creases as shown in the picture.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

2. Then fold the left edge of the origami model to the right, and fold the left edge to the right exactly at the intersection of the previous cross fold creases. In fact, this virtual square is folded in half on the left and right sides.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

3. After completing the folding, unfold the paper. At this time, a vertical crease is left on the left side to intersect with the cross fold crease, as shown in the picture.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

4. Then press the upper and lower sides of the left side of the origami model toward the center of the paper. This inward folding will create a double-layered triangular origami structure.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

5. After the pressing is completed, flatten the origami model. At this time we will see the double-folded triangle structure as shown in the picture. This is very similar to the principle of making many origami airplanes, but there are some slight changes in the way of making them.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

6. Then fold the upper surface triangle of the double-layered triangle on the left side of the origami modelFold the bottom corners toward the middle so that the bottom sides of the double-layer triangle are folded to a horizontal position. After completing the folding, you will get the origami model as shown in the picture. Use your fingers to flatten the origami model.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

7. Then fold the top corner of the origami structure on the left side of the origami model downward, in the same way as the lower corner. After completing the folding, flatten the origami model, and we will get the origami style as shown in the picture.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

8. Then fold the lower folded triangle structure upward, that is, the lower triangle is folded upward and then presses the upper triangle structure. At this time, only one folded structure can be seen in the origami model.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

9. Fold the lower part of the origami model upward at this time. At this time, the hypotenuse happens to be aligned with the middle crease of the entire origami model, that is, fold it as shown in the picture. The folded structure is formed in this way. It already looks a bit like part of an origami airplane.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane

10. Fold the upper middle triangle on the left side of the origami model downward at this time. It is the same as the previous fold. At the same time, fold the upper hypotenuse downward and fold the hypotenuse to the entire origami model. Fold at the middle crease as shown in the picture.

How to fold a cobra cruiser origami airplane