Simple animal origami production is still very popular. Our love for this type of origami actually reflects our love for nature. Many animals in nature are actually difficult for us to come into contact with, but we can show them through origami. We have seen many origami productions in this area in the origami encyclopedia illustrations. Some of the origami animals are very cute, but some folding methods focus more on the high-fidelity restoration of the origami animals. The origami rhinoceros recommended here is a simple production tutorial, but the resulting origami rhinoceros is still very realistic.
The actual picture of the origami rhinoceros comes from the flickr album of Hiroaki Kobayashi Lonely-Shiba
This simple origami rhinoceros was designed and made by David Brill. Students who are familiar with David Brills tutorials know that his origami design and production have an obvious feature, that is, the entire origami production is very simple. This kind of simplicity is still very marketable. After all, many students are origami beginners and may not have enough time to complete a complex origami tutorial. If the tutorial can be simpler and easier to use, it can often be better improved. Everyone’s passion for origami making. However, if you want to achieve a very good effect in the end, necessary plastic surgery is still indispensable, especially some characteristic parts of the rhinoceros.
While learning this origami rhinoceros making tutorial, here we also recommend an origami video making tutorial to you. This origami video tutorial teaches you how to fold origami fireworks. Many students may think its incredible when talking about origami fireworks at first. Its true. After folding this origami firework, we can get an origami firework that deforms according to our adjustments. It looks quite beautiful, but in order to make a good one To get the effect, we still need to prepare the corresponding colored paper. Click on the link to learn about this origami firework: http://zhidiy.com/zhezhirumen/6105/. Turn the page and start learning this origami rhinoceros.