Origami throne, this is an origami throne tutorial of medium difficulty. If you want to learn to fold paper throne, then follow our illustration of how to fold the throne!
A. This is The front side of the paper.
It is the shinier side.
B. This is the back of the paper.
1. From paper Start right side up.
Horizontally "mountain fold" into two halves, then unfold.
2. Vertical pair Half "mountain fold" and then unfold.
3. Complete here "Fold" horizontally and then unfold.
4. Complete here A vertical "fold" and then unfold.
5. Complete four cross valley folds here and then unfold them.
6. Complete here The four vertical valleys are folded and then unfolded.
7. Now, An "8x8 square" origami is completed.
8. Origami throne The models crease pattern is shown here.
9. Complete here The following crease pattern shown on the left.
10. Start to complete What step 9 looks like.
11. Complete the steps 9 looks like.
12. Complete here Four "mountain folds" and two "valley folds".
13. Start to complete There are four "mountain folds" and two "valley folds" in step 12.
14. Fold the origami paper The throne model is turned over.
15. Focus on The area enclosed by a dashed circle.
16. Complete here Valley fold.
17. Complete here Mountain folds.
18. Origami The throne model is rotated 90 degrees.
19. Complete here Valley fold.
20. Complete here Mountain folds.
21. Complete the mountain fold in step 20 .
View of the origami throne model from behind.
22. Complete here Two mountain folds.
23. Origami The throne model is turned over.
24. Focus on The area enclosed by a dashed ellipse. www.diyju.com
25. Curling Do the left armrest.
26. Focus on The area enclosed by a dashed ellipse.
27. Curl the edges to make the right armrest.
28. Curl the back a little.
29. Curl the lid a little.
30. This is Top view of the origami throne model.
31. Okay !
You have completed an origami throne.
Extended reading:
1. Origami Nutcracker Tutorial Illustration
2. How to fold handmade origami Christmas bells
3. Step-by-step illustration of handmade origami Santa’s sleigh
4. Illustration of how to fold a square cross origami
5. Paper origami cross origami method