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Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

Flower origami plate, this is a medium-difficulty origami flower tutorial. If you want to learn to make flower origami plate, then follow our instructions on how to fold flower origami plate!

Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate


  1. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    A. This is The front side of the paper.

  2. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    B. This is the back of the paper.

  3. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    C. There is one Learn how to make a regular octagon from square paper.

    You can easily get a regular octagon from the command.

    This is the front of a regular octagon.

  4. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    D. This is The back of a regular octagon.

  5. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    1. From the directions paper begins.

    Convert this square paper into a "regular octagon".

    Learn how to make a regular octagon from the link above.

    20% off.

  6. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    2. Complete eight more valley folds.

  7. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    3. Complete Eight valley folds.

  8. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    4. Origami Turn the dish model over.

  9. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    5. Complete here Eight valley folds.

  10. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    6. Only in 20% off on the first floor

  11. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    7. Just focus to a petal surrounded by a dotted circle.

  12. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    8. Push the bottom Petals open at the edges.

  13. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    9. Start pushing The petals open at the bottom edge.

  14. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    10. EndPush the bottom edge to open the petals.

  15. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    11. You are now The opening of one petal has been completed.

  16. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    12. For all Repeat steps 8-11 for eight petals.

  17. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    13. For all Repeat steps 8-11 for eight petals.

  18. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    14. Focus on The area enclosed by a dashed circle.

  19. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    15. Hatchback petal.

  20. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    16. Start filing Posterior valve.

  21. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    17. Completely lift Then flatten the back petals.

  22. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    18. Now, the opening of the back petals in step 15 is completed.

  23. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    19. Lift up All eight posterior petals.

  24. Illustration of the steps for making an origami flower plate

    20. Okay !

    You have successfully completed making the flower origami dish.


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