The origami making of a lion is quite interesting in itself. However, in the past, the origami lion making tutorials we learned in the origami encyclopedia were all made of male lions. Who makes the body structure of the male lion itself more beautiful? It’s suitable for display with origami. We all know that the male lion itself has rich hair on its neck. This structure is indeed quite powerful after being displayed through origami. However, the origami tutorial shared with you here is a tutorial for making a female lion. The female lion itself does not have the shocking mane of the male lion, but the whole body is more muscular, so it looks more streamlined, and Suitable for display using origami.
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This origami lioness was designed by David Brill. Following the ideas and principles of other origami works he designed before, the overall production is much simpler than other peoples origami designs. However, this origami lioness has a production feature. Many of the past productions used square paper to complete the folding, and this lioness used triangular paper when folding. Since it uses equilateral triangle paper, it was initially We need to make equilateral triangle paper first. In this origami drawing tutorial, we also provide you with how to obtain triangular paper by cutting. I believe it can still provide a lot of help to you.
The production of this lioness is quite simple, but the production tutorial recommended here is even simpler, but it has nothing to do with the origami animal itself. This is an origami making tutorial for children, using simple folding and cutting operations to make a beautiful childrens handmade paper lantern. The overall configuration of this lantern is quite classic. If you don’t need it now, you can save this production tutorial, because when some special festivals come, such unique lantern production can still come in handy. Click the link to enter the method of making childrens paper lanterns: Now you can firstTurn the page for a tutorial on how to make a simple origami lioness.