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Origami tutorial for red koi carp—Ronald Koh

Origami tutorial for red koi carp—Ronald Koh Origami tutorial for red koi carp—Ronald Koh

For those who like origami, many of them must have tried Ronald Koh’s Tancho Oranda origami tutorial. The Tancho Oranda made from this origami tutorial is extremely lifelike and soft in appearance. Beautiful and very lovable. Tancho Oranda provides detailed illustrations and instructions for making Tancho Koi and every step is accompanied by detailed instructions and instructions. Although there are so many origami steps in the Origami diagram that it is a bit embarrassing and scary, but when you see this beautiful real red-crested koi, are you already a little tempted? Now Just pick up the paper and try this red-top koi. Ronald Koh recommends using red and white paper for folding. A 25cm piece of paper can make an approximately 14cm origami red-crested koi.

Origami tutorial for red koi carp—Ronald Koh

Red top koi origami actual maker: Pere Olivella

Designer of red-top koi origami chart: Ronald Koh

Click the link below to download for free the PDF document of Red Crown Koi Origami Tutorial—Ronald Koh

Origami tutorial for red koi carp—Ronald Koh