Many amusement parks have Ferris wheels, and in many romantic movies and TV series, Ferris wheels are scenes that leave a deep impression on everyone, so many lovers in love like to play on Ferris wheels. , wouldn’t it be super romantic to make such a beautiful origami Ferris wheel as a Valentine’s Day gift on Valentine’s Day? Of course, it will be more romantic if the two of you go to the amusement park together.
Main material: Colored paper, beads, Tools required: glue, Production steps:
Step 1: First make the wheel part of the origami Ferris wheel
Step 2: After folding the paper in half to the middle, open one side and fold it flat
Step 3: Make both sides, which is a bit like the process of making origami, southeast, northwest and northwest
Step 4: Then fold each side like this, so that we have made the part of the origami Ferris wheel
Step 5: Make the following bracket part
Step 6: Fold it into a long strip
Step 7: After making it, you can assemble it into a complete Ferris wheel. Use small beads to decorate the top of the bracket to make it more beautiful