Tutorials on hand-made origami horses are often difficult to share online, which is why there are almost no origami horses in the Origami Complete Illustrations. But this handmade origami horse designed by Ching-Yu Hung is really simple and interesting. Even people with no origami basics can easily complete the production of this handmade origami horse. However, it should be noted that the production of this handmade origami horse is based on a specific origami model. The detailed content can be seen in the PDF document, so the initial production requires the maker to complete the basic origami according to the basic creases. After making the structure, you can then start the handcrafting of theOrigamihorse.
Handmade origami horse maker: Ching-Yu Hung
Handmade origami horse origami diagram designer: Ching-Yu Hung
Click the link below to download the simple handmade origami horse origami tutorial—Ching-Yu Hung’s PDF document for free