In the specific production process of origami airplanes, many origami fighter jet making tutorials are relatively popular. However, these origami fighter jets have a key problem, that is, their flight capabilities are not real. After all, due to the shape of the origami fighter, its appreciation value often outweighs its ability to fly. That is to say, it looks quite cool, but when it is actually flying, the effect may only be said to be unsatisfactory. Here is the paper art The origami fighter jet recommended by the website is completely different. It adopts the shape of a fighter jet, but uses a wide wing structure that can extend the flight time and flight capability.
The origami tutorial for this super cool speed origami fighter is designed and produced by david boe (source, We can notice that this origami fighter has a lot of particularities in the configuration of the aircraft. The bulging effect on its wings, which is similar to that blown by the wind, directly increases the flying ability of the origami fighter, allowing it to fly longer in the air. , the effect obtained by such a transformation is naturally what students like and care about the most. If you want to try this magical origami fighter, click on the tutorial now to start learning.
What you see below is the origami video tutorial of this origami airplane: