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The most common origami boat making tutorial for children

The most common origami boat making tutorial for children The most common origami boat making tutorial for children

We all made origami boats when we were children. I remember the first time I made this origami boat when I was in kindergarten. Unfortunately, as time goes by, the memory becomes slowly blurred. Of course, for things like origami boats, Origami tutorials like this have gradually been forgotten. In order to bring everyone together to recall the happiness of childhood, I specially share this tutorial on origami boat with you, let’s make it together.

The most common origami boat making tutorial for children

1. First prepare a square piece of paper.

The most common origami boat making tutorial for children

2. Fold the paper diagonally in half. If it is a colored paper on one side, fold the colored side to the outside.

The most common origami boat making tutorial for children

3. After opening, fold the other pair diagonally in half.

The most common origami boat making tutorial for children

4. Open it and fold all four corners to the center of the paper.

The most common origami boat making tutorial for children