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Illustration of how to fold origami diamond. Steps of how to make origami diamond by hand.

Illustration of how to fold origami diamond. Steps of how to make origami diamond by hand.

The crafting method of making origami diamonds has been introduced several times. Friends who are interested can review it first: [Making diamonds from cardboard] [Making diamonds from Ferrero packaging boxes]. The diamond to be folded today is a little different from the ones introduced before. It requires two parts to be completed separately and finally spliced ??together. The difficulty has not increased, but has decreased, because there is no need to draw precise cutting lines.

Interested friends, please follow the illustrated tutorial below to DIY it~ If it is successfully completed, you can go a step further and consider transforming it into a shell. Both in appearance and function, it is very similar~~~

Illustration of how to fold origami diamond. Steps of how to make origami diamond by hand.

Illustration of how to fold origami diamond. Steps of how to make origami diamond by hand.