Greeting cards are the cards that we usually give when we give gifts during festivals, with blessings written on them. Many times, the greeting card itself is a gift, so we need to carefully make a greeting card that expresses our feelings. This heart-shaped greeting card made of quilled paper is very beautiful. It is very suitable for Valentines Day or as a birthday greeting card. Lets take a look at the tutorial.
Main material: Greeting card paper, red confetti, quilled paper strips, Tools required: Scissors, white latex, Production steps:
Step 1: Let’s prepare the paper strips
Step 2: Then roll it into a circle, glue it with white latex, and make paper rolls of various colors for later use
Step 3: Then fold the greeting card paper in half
Step 4: Cut out a heart shape on the front
Step 5: Then you can glue the rolled paper into the heart shape, but we need to put the paper insideChange to red and start pasting again
Step 6: The paper heart shape glued in this way is very beautiful. Doesn’t the greeting card we made also feel very delicate?