If you want to say that the festival that belongs to you alone in the year is your birthday, so we attach great importance to the birthdays of our relatives and friends. Handmade greeting cards are also great birthday gifts. What we are making here is A very comprehensive DIY three-dimensional greeting card, on which you can use various small decorations made by yourself to embellish this birthday greeting card. In particular, you can use the handmade method of quilling paper to make the cover.
Main material: Greeting card paper, quilled paper strips, Tools required: Scissors, white latex, watercolor pens, Production steps:
Step 1: The more materials we use to make the three-dimensional greeting cards here, the better

Step 2: Here we use large greeting card paper to fold it

Step 3: Then you can use colored paper to cut it into something like this

Step 4: Then you can put it inside the greeting card paper

Step 5: Then you can try your best on this three-dimensional greeting card
Step 6: Let’s make the cover next, using colored paper to cut into a hollow cake

Step 7: Then you can make the cover

Step 8: Use quilling paper to make candles and other parts to decorate the three-dimensional greeting card cover cake

Step 9: In this way, you can make this comprehensive three-dimensional greeting card

Step 10: Open this three-dimensional greeting card and birthday card, it is full of surprises.