Home > Handicrafts of life > wool felt

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

The materials needed are: sponge workbench, poking needle, white and pink orange wool, small eyes (...) alcohol glue, finger cots

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Take an appropriate amount of wool and roll it forward

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

While rolling, pinch the wool on the left and right sides inward and roll the wool tighter. It will be convenient and beautiful when poking~

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Use a poking needle to fix the wool at the end so that the wool will not loosen

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Puncture the wool deeply in the direction of the arrow while rolling it into a ball

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Its done until the wool becomes hard and not easily deformed

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Take an appropriate amount of white wool and fold it in half

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Poke it into a small square, do not poke the wool at the bottom

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Poke the top of the square into an arc

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Use the above method to poke a small pink orange wool

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Cover this pink-orange wool on the white wool and prick it with a shallow needle to combine. Be careful not to use too much force, otherwise the red wool will pierce the back. This completes the ears

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Follow the above method and poke the other ear

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Put the ears aside first, I will do the eyes first

Use an awl to cut holes in the face, apply glue on the eye legs, and insert the eyes into place. (Isn’t it cruel?)

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Guess who I am?

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Use red wool to roll into small balls and apply blush

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Attach the ears to the corresponding position, prick deeply with a needle, and fix the ears

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

The ears should be here, not too far back or too forward

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant

Fix the last ear and you are done (′▽`)?

Handmade illustration of cute wool felt bunny pendant