Usually, if you want to observe microorganisms with the naked eye, you can only use tools such as microscopes, but the beauty and danger hidden in these mysterious worlds are often the most curious.
Artist Alicia Watkins uses bacteria and germs as cross-stitch themes. Some look like lovely flowers, some look like floating objects in the deep sea, and some look like geometric figures seen in math textbooks, or represent some kind of symbol. Symbols with unknown meanings, these seemingly cute and harmless things, turn out to be viruses or bacteria that can cause death. Sure enough, it proves the law of nature that the more poisonous it is, the more beautiful it is, and the more beautiful it is, the more poisonous it is.
Fortunately, Watkins’s cross-stitch works are not all filled with the kind of virus that will bite you if you take a careful step too close. There are also some interesting life sayings and patterns!
measles measles
e. coli Escherichia coli (abbreviation for Escherichia coli)
mono Infectious mononucleosis (abbreviation for Infectious mononucleosis)
common cold
flu influenza
pneumonir pneumonia
malaria gametocyte malaria gametocyte
penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium chrysogenum
t-4 bacteriophrge T-4 bacteriophage
candida albicans Candida albicans
proteus mirabilis
anthrax anthrax
mad cow disease mad cow disease
measles measles
mono Infectious mononucleosis (abbreviation for Infectious mononucleosis)
pneumonia pneumonia
Flu influenza virus
Whooping Cough
Common Cold Cold Virus
measles measles
plasmodium falciparum gametocyte Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte
malaria malaria
plasmodium falciparum sporozoite Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite
herpes herpes simplex
ebola Ebola virus
typhus typhus
Food Poisoning food virus
t-4 bacteriophrge T-4 bacteriophage
Strep Throat Streptococcus laryngitis
Beer Yeast beer yeast (ah...this is kind of cute~)