Usually crochet is rarely used to knit bracelets, especially bracelets that are purely crocheted without other embellishments. In fact, many crochet works are very beautiful after being woven into the width of the bracelet, so don’t do it easily of ditched crochet bracelets. On Valentines Day, you can wear your own crocheted bracelet on a date. There is no one who doesn't like pretty girls.
First use crochet to knit braid stitches. Note that the length of the braid here will be the width of the bracelet, and pay attention to the unit of the knitting pattern, that is, the braid stitches should be multiples of five. Next, hook the thread hanging from the crochet hook to a thick crochet hook, or a thick pen, and then start knitting with a thin crochet hook, hooking each stitch to the thick crochet hook.
Then start knitting the pattern every five stitches. After knitting, continue the previous knitting method. When the knitting reaches the appropriate length, you can sew on the buttons, and the crochet bracelet is completed.