Simple and bright greeting card covers are a style that many people like. Such greeting card covers look very clean and beautiful. Bought greeting cards often don’t have such an effect, so we still make them ourselves. Greeting cards are better. The birthday greeting cards here are made like this. It is a bit similar to cross stitch, but it is a more casual embroidery method. The greeting cards produced are very exquisite.
Main material: greeting card paper, Tools required: Scissors, glue, needle and thread, Production steps:
Step 1: Poke the holes for the letters Happy Birthday on the greeting card paper according to the template with a needle, and then start sewing with a needle and thread

Step 2: When starting the needle or changing the thread, use glue to fix the end of the thread

Step 3: After sewing, we cut off the excess edges of the greeting card paper

Step 4: The back is not too messy

Step 5:The greeting card on the front is very beautiful

Step 6: Birthday card production template