We can use wool to weave a very beautiful rainbow ring. It is a very good decoration for New Year and Christmas, and similar decorations can also be made at weddings, with various beautiful flowers on the side. Its beautiful, but its a bit complicated to make, so you have to read the tutorial carefully.
Main material: Wooden boards, wool, nails, Tools required: Ruler, pencil, compass, hammer, Production steps:
Step 1: Use a compass to draw a circle on the board
Step 2: Then use a ruler to equally divide the circle
Step 3: Start driving nails at the marked points
Step 4: Dine the nails
Step 5: Tie at one point with wool
Step 6: Then you can start knitting
Step 7: After knitting one color, you can change the yarn to another color
Step 8: Here is the effect of various wool knitting in the coming year. We can also use more colors of wool to make it ourselves.