The Chinese Knot concentric fringe uses the braided thread as the central axis, and uses the method of tying a boy scout to wrap and fix the tassel thread. So how to make a Chinese knot with concentric spikes? Today, the editor of the production department will teach you how to make concentric fringes. The illustrations include: one-time concentric braiding method and single-color wrapped yarn braiding method. This illustration of how to braid Chinese knots with concentric fringes is compiled with reference to "Dancing Tassels".
Picture: Chinese knot concentric spikes
Chinese knot with concentric spikes: one concentric braiding method
The wrapping thread should be the same color as the tassel thread, and should be wrapped multiple times to make the tassel thread more secure. The picture shows a concentric braiding method. You can repeat the folding and winding steps according to the needs of the work to increase the number of concentric braidings. The more times, the bigger the fringe will be. The gourd ear is a kind of concentric pattern multiple times.
Chinese Knot with concentric tassels in one go Step 1 of the editing method;
Chinese Knot with concentric tassels in one go Step 2 of editing;
Chinese Knot with concentric tassels in one go Step 3 of editing;
Chinese Knot with concentric tassels in one go Step 4 of editing;
Chinese knot concentric braiding method step 5;
Chinese Knot with concentric tassels in one go Step 6 of editing;
Picture of the completed braiding of concentric spikes in one go
Chinese knotted tassel, concentric spikes
Illustration of how to braid Chinese bead-shaped tassels, refer to the method of dancing tassels
How to make Chinese tassels? Illustration of braiding tassels
Illustrated tutorial for making Chinese knot tassel hat spikes
Two ways to weave Chinese knots with auspicious spikes
Illustrated tutorial on how to weave Chinese knots and auspicious spikes
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