Three-turn Panchang knot: also known as "Panhang knot" among the people. The ancients used "nine curves of soft intestines" and "broken intestines" to describe missing old friends far away.
Preparation method:
1. Take 1 thread and fold it in half to make a double connection.
2. The red line is laid out as shown.
3. Pick 1 to the left and press 1, press 1 to pick 1, press 1 to pick 1, fold in half and press 1 to pick 1, press 1 to pick 1, press 1 to pick 1, repeat 3 times.
4. As shown in the green line, press 6 to pick 6, press 6 to pick 6, press 6 to pick 6.
5. Circle around to pick 1 and press 3, repeat 3 times, fold in half, pick 2, press 1, then pick 3 and press 1 2 times, repeat 3 times.
6. Tighten the thread and organize it into shape.