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Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

When weaving the long knot of the double-wing plate, you must first measure the length required for the hanging lug to come out. If you use reverse knitting, there is no need to add additional thread length for hanging ears.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

Preparation method:

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

1. Take 1 thread and leave 4cm at the top, fold it in half and braid a double joint, and then lay out the red thread as shown.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

2. Make a circle with the red wire and pick 2 wires.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

3. Fold the red wire in half and press 2 wires.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

4. Make a circle and pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1, fold it in half and pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

5. Press down 2 wires, then pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1,

Pick 1 and press 1, fold it in half and then pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

6. The yellow line presses the red line to the right.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

7. The yellow line picks 6 red lines from the smallest circle.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

8. Fold the yellow line in half and press the red line to the right.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

9. Fold the yellow wire in half and pick out the 6 red wires in the second circle.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

10. Route the yellow wire downward.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

11. Circle the yellow wire, pick 1 and press 1, pick 1 and press 3, pick 1 and press 3.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

12. Fold the yellow line in half, pick 2 and press 1, pick 3 and press 1, pick 1 and press 1, and pick 1 and press 1.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

13. The yellow wire is wound as shown.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

14. Press 3 to the right and pick 1.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

15. Press 4 on the yellow line, then fold it in half and pick 5 and press 1 and 2.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

16. Circle the yellow wire, pick 1 and press 3, repeat 3 times.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

17. Fold the yellow line in half, pick 2 and press 1, repeat 2 more times, pick 3 and press 1.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

18. Wind the yellow wire 2 times apart, repeat 3 times, pick 1 and press 3.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

19. Fold the yellow line in half, pick 2 and press 1, then repeat 2 times to pick 3 and press 1.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

20. Remove the needle and adjust the thread.

Diagrammatic method of compound wing plate long knot

21. Tighten up and finish.