Simple version of corsage, eliminating the trouble of tying flowers with hands.
Tools and materials needed for simple professional corsage DIY:
A piece of silk, Scissors, pins, needle and thread
Simplified version of professional corsage DIY step-by-step illustration:
Simplified version Step 1 of professional corsage DIY:
First iron the silk scarf flat, the temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will fade
Simplified version of professional corsage DIY step 2:
Cut into eight strips of the same width
Simplified version of professional corsage DIY step 3:
Take two adjacent ones
Simplified professional corsage DIY step 4:
Fold in half
Simplified professional corsage DIY step 5:
Simple version of professional corsage DIY step 6:
Use an iron to flatten it
Simple version of professional corsage DIY step 7:
Looks familiar, Miss Gao’s
Simple version of professional corsage DIY step 8:
Overlap and put together in the same direction
< p style="text-align: left;">Simplified version of professional corsage DIY step 9:Take the needle and thread and sew as shown
Simplified version of professional corsage DIY step 10:
Pull out the needle and thread