There are many ways to make greeting cards. The greeting cards we make are mainly beautiful, and greeting cards for different festivals naturally have different styles and themes. Valentine’s Day greeting cards are mainly in the shape of roses and hearts. Lord, Mothers Day greeting cards are mainly made of beautiful flowers, which can be carnations. The Mothers Day greeting cards we have here today are made of flowers.
Main material: Silk, beads, linen, red greeting card paper, Tools required: Scissors, white glue, candles, Production steps:
Step 1: First cut the red silk into four circles of different sizes
Step 2: Burn the edge of the cloth on a candle, so that the edge of the cloth will look a little wrinkled, more like petals
Step 3: Use pearls as stamens and sew four round petals together
Step 4: Burn the edges of the oval green cloth in the same way for the leaves
Step 5: This way you can make many beautiful flowers of different colors
Step 6: Then cut a square piece of linen
Step 7: Glue the flowers and leaves made previously to the middle of the linen
Step 8: Finally, glue the linen cloth to the red greeting card paper to create a beautiful Mothers Day greeting card.