Cute coin purses are very popular among girls, and there will be more and more coins in the future. In order to avoid the situation where coins always disappear inexplicably, we will use coin purses to hold coins, so girls will be interested in them. I love my coin purse so much. It is very practical to DIY a cute coin purse. It is also great to give to your friends as a Children’s Day gift.
Main material: Non-woven fabrics, zippers, buttons, Tools required: scissors, needle and thread, Production steps:
Step 1: First, we use needle and thread to sew the edges of the ears used to make the puppy coin purse

Step 2: Then you can use needle and thread to sew the ears onto the puppy

Step 3: Don’t forget to sew a button as the puppy’s eyes

Step 4: Use a piece of black cloth as the puppys nose. It is also a good choice to make a small yarn ball yourself

Step 5: Then sew the zipper on the lower part

Step 6: Then use scissors to cut off the excess zipper

Step 7: Continue to sew the zipper part

Step 8: Use the zipper to sew the two parts together

Step 9: Just like this

Step 10: Then you can start sewing the edges together

Step 11: This puppy coin purse is ready

Step 12: Isn’t it a cute and convenient DIY coin purse