When I made this pillow decorated with small fabric flowers, I was staying in an ancient city, sitting on a field stem in a field where broad bean flowers were blooming in spring. Sometimes the sun is so intense that your eyes shine with golden light; sometimes thick clouds pass by and cool, huge raindrops fall. The strong wind blows by, and the green leaves of the crops are pushed forward like waves. The light changes and makes a swishing sound. This scene is so mesmerizing that one can watch it for hours without getting bored. I don’t always have the things I use to make handicrafts with me, but because of the influence of the beautiful environment, I especially wanted to do something.
Main material: Fabric, buttons, colored cotton thread, Tools required: Scissors, circle drawing tools, Production steps:
Step 1: Prepare what you need

Step 2: Cut the fabric into discs

Step 3: Sew around the round piece of fabric and close the seam

Step 4: Decorate the buckles at the closing area to make more of them

Step 5:

Step 6: Start making the outer shell of the pillow

Step 7: Fill the outer shell of the package with cotton wool and then sew it up