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Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

The lion is known as the king of beasts in the animal world. Its strong posture, golden fur, majestic face... these are all symbols of his honor. There are many types of lions. Male lions living at the northern and southern ends of the African continent are more developed, extending to the back and abdomen. They are also the largest, but both subspecies are becoming extinct due to special care by humans. Indias Asiatic lions are smaller than their African brothers and have shorter manes. They are also endangered. Several major types have become extinct, constantly warning us humans that we should protect the ecological environment! Share with you the beautiful 3D origami art. Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials. Exquisite design, beautiful shape, complex three-dimensional structure, an amazing piece of origami art~!

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Origami Kawahata Fumaki Lion, teach you how to fold complex three-dimensional lion origami tutorials

Exquisite works of art require time and patience. This exquisite three-dimensional lion origami is relatively complicated, so please be patient and learn it!