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Illustrations of art collage and handmade works of Banana Little Dolphin

Illustrations of art collage and handmade works of Banana Little Dolphin

Art spelling of banana dolphin Attached are the complete illustrations of the handmade works, and how to make the little dolphin to complete the effect.

Illustrations of art collage and handmade works of Banana Little Dolphin

Step one: use a A banana is used as the body of a dolphin

Illustrations of art collage and handmade works of Banana Little Dolphin

Step 2: Get one black beans as eyes

Illustrations of art collage and handmade works of Banana Little Dolphin

Step 3: Get two A small petal serves as a dolphins pectoral fin

Illustrations of art collage and handmade works of Banana Little Dolphin
Step 4: Next Make the tail and paste it as shown in the picture