First draw an arc. The tail of the arc is the raised feathers on the back of the parrots head. Draw the parrots beak. Pay attention to draw a downward curved hook so that it has the characteristics of a parrot.
< img alt="Parrot Simple Drawing" src="" width="100%">Down and draw the belly of the parrot, and then draw A tilted water drop shape is its wings. Draw the feathers on the wings. First draw the parrots paws under the body. There are three toes in front of each paw. Then draw the legs. I want it to stand on the branch. , draw round leaves on the branches,

I drew some notes for it because it is a singing parrot,

As a singer, a parrot must have bright colors. I chose red and blue. What color did you choose? The beak of the parrot is painted yellow. When painting, we first paint the edge of the black line, and then paint the middle, so that it is not easy to paint outside the black line

I like to use light brown for the tree trunk, and then paint the leaves and small colored notes. Children, What song can you sing?