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Simple drawing tutorial of the twelve zodiac snakes: Curly little flower snake with no legs

First, let’s draw the two eyes and head of the snake

Simple drawing tutorial of the twelve zodiac snakes: Curly little flower snake with no legs

Then draw the snake’s curved body

Simple drawing tutorial of the twelve zodiac snakes: Curly little flower snake with no legs

Then draw the decorative part at the back

Simple drawing tutorial of the twelve zodiac snakes: Curly little flower snake with no legs

Color the little snake sister with the color you like. What I drew is a little green snake, and I want to paint it with a cyan color.

Simple drawing tutorial of the twelve zodiac snakes: Curly little flower snake with no legs

Snakes are reptiles. But his limbs have degenerated. His body is covered in scales. The snakes body temperature changes with the air temperature. Therefore, snakes will hibernate when the temperature is below 15 degrees. Snakes are very capable of catching prey. She can swallow food many times larger than herself