How to draw Hello Kitty simple drawing tutorial
1. Draw a small circle in the upper right corner of the page. This is where her bow begins.
2. Then attach the ends of the bow.
3. Then the details of drawing the bow.
4. Now draw a big U shape on her head.
5. Cover her ears and top of her head. The bow of the ship poked out by the right ear.
6. Now draw ovals for her eyes and nose. Her eyes then color.
7. There are three flat whiskers on either side of the face, as well as two ovals on her feet.
8. Then draw her body, connecting head to feet by drawing straight lines. At the same time, draw a curved line connecting the feet.
9. She drew a U-shaped shirt.
10. Draw curved lines for her hands and arms.
11. Finally draw two straight lines for the sleeves.
All done. Look at that cute Hello Kitty