Mother’s Day is coming soon. It is a very meaningful thing to make a bouquet of carnations to give to your great mother. It does not cost money and will not wither. Below I will teach you how to make origami carnations by hand.
Mothers Day Crafts: Simple Carnation Origami Making Method
How to fold the flower
1. Fold two diagonal lines;
p>2. The crease is a diagonal line; turn it over as shown in Figure 3;
3. Fold in half to make two center lines;
4. Left, right and bottom Fold the corners upward to coincide with the top corners as shown in Figure 5;
5. After flattening, as shown in Figure 6;
6. Fold the corners on the left and right sides toward the midline; Fold the back in the same way; after folding, as shown in Figure 7;
7. Use scissors to cut off the upper part along the red fold line;
8. Unfold the top at the dotted line;< /p>
9. The folding method of the flower is completed.
Mothers Day Crafts: Simple Carnations How to make origami (how to fold flowers)
How to fold flower branches
1. Fold in half to create a horizontal diagonal line;
2. As shown in Figure 2, fold the upper and lower sides to the center line;
3. Fold the two sides on the right side to the center line as well;
4. Fold the inside Pull out the two corners, Figure 5 is the process diagram;
5. Flatten the inner corners, and pull out the lower ones and flatten them; 6. Fold as shown in Figure 6;
7. Fold the upper part back along the mountain fold line;
8. Fold the upper part back along the mountain fold line;
Mothers Day crafts: How to make simple carnation origami (How to fold flower branches)
Finally, just glue the flowers and branches together.