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Swan simple strokes

Swan simple strokes
Complete collection of simple animal drawings: swan simple drawing
Refers to the swan family (scientific name: Cygnus) birds, there are 8 species in total, and they are migratory birds. It is distributed on every continent except Africa and Antarctica. It is the largest group of individuals in the Anatidae family. The neck is slender, exceeding the body length or the same length as the body; the base of the mouth is high and the front end is flat, and the eye glands are exposed; the tail is short and round, with 20-24 tail feathers; the webs are powerful, but the hind toes do not have webs. They like to live in groups in lakes and swamps and feed mainly on aquatic plants, but also snails and molluscs. Most are monogamous and stay together for life. There are many courtship behaviors, and the male and female will tend to perform the same actions in unison, and they will also preen each others feathers considerately. They reproduce once a year, and their eggs are relatively large. For example, whooper swan eggs weigh more than 400 grams. Young birds are precocious chicks. When migrating, they will gather in large groups, but they still move in small groups.
Simple drawing:Swan simple strokes