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Steps and coloring of airplane simple drawing

There was a roaring sound in the sky, and the children looked up: Look, it’s a plane. Children must have seen it. It is very spectacular to see airplanes flying in the sky. Today I will take the children to draw a simple drawing of an airplane. It also includes coloring tutorials and decomposition steps.

Steps and coloring of airplane simple drawing

The steps and coloring of airplane simple drawing

Steps to draw a simple airplane

Step 1: Draw one wing of the airplane

Step 2: Draw the small tail on one side of the aircraft

Step 3: Draw the fuselage and the small tail on the other side

Step 4: Draw the aircraft’s nose step arc

Step 5: Draw the body lines

Step 6: Draw the windows of the airplane

At this point, the simple drawing of the airplane is completed, and there are decomposition steps below.

Steps and coloring of airplane simple drawing

Helicopter simple drawing steps and coloring

Steps and coloring of airplane simple drawing

Steps and coloring of airplane simple drawing

Children, take out your paintbrush and draw a picture. If you feel likeIf the painting is good, you can also take a photo of it and send it to the Baby Works Show section of the Simple Drawing Network so that children across the country can see it.