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Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.

Although the lines of baseball look very simple and easy to draw, when you actually draw them, you will find it a bit difficult. But don't worry, this article will show you step by step how to draw a baseball.

The steps for drawing baseball icons are part of a series of tutorials on drawing baseballs. The tutorials also include baseball icon design, real baseball (crayon drawing), and cartoon baseball. Follow this baseball icon Drawing steps, teach you how to draw baseball.

Steps to draw baseball icon

  1. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.1Draw the outline of a perfect circle. Use a compass, a coin, or an old record to draw a perfect circle.
  2. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.2Draw two intersecting arcs horizontally and vertically to show the appearance of a sphere.
  3. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.3Draw four arcs.
  4. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.4Draw another arc at the end of the four arcs.
  5. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.5Follow the shape of the arc above Then draw three lines below.
  6. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.6Draw two arcs on the right.
  7. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.< span class="step">7Draw two arcs on the left.
  8. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.8Make sure that lines are drawn in each direction.
  9. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.9Erase the outline guide line , redraw a perfect circle.
  10. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.10Paint the ball white.
  11. < li>Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.11Give Add some shadow to the ball.
  12. Steps to draw baseball icons. Teach you how to draw baseball icons.12Add some cast shadows on the plane.

DIY Tips

  • You can write the baseballs or your own name on the baseball, or even write a short sentence.