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Gloves simple drawing steps and coloring

In winter, mothers will prepare a pair of warm gloves for children to protect our little hands from getting cold. Wearing small gloves will keep our little hands warm and beautiful. Today I will teach the children to draw a simple drawing of a glove. Follow the steps step by step and you can also draw a beautiful simple drawing of a glove.

Gloves simple drawing steps and coloring

Simple strokes of gloves

The following are the steps to draw a glove in simple strokes

Step 1: Draw the hand and neck parts of the gloves

Step 2: Draw the main part of the glove

Step 3: Draw the solid and dotted lines on the gloves

Step 4: Draw the connecting line between the two gloves

Step 5: Draw another glove. Just follow the steps of the previous glove.

Gloves simple drawing steps and coloring

Steps for drawing simple strokes of gloves

It’s simple. The above are the steps for drawing a glove. Follow the steps step by step. You can also draw a beautiful little glove. The following is a coloring picture. Just refer to the color in the picture below to find the color pen and paint it. That’s it.

Gloves simple drawing steps and coloring

Coloring simple drawing of gloves

What do you think of this simple drawing of gloves? What do children think?If you are good at drawing, you can send your work to the Baby Works Show section of our website so that children across the country can see your simple drawings.