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Pegasus from My Little Pony-Rainbow Dash

Simple drawing of Pegasus in My Little Pony

Pegasus from My Little Pony-Rainbow Dash

Pegasus simple drawing color in My Little Pony

Pegasus from My Little Pony-Rainbow Dash

Pegasus in My Little Pony

Pegasus from My Little Pony-Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus< /p>

Pegasus from My Little Pony-Rainbow Dash

Nickname: RD, Daisy

Gender: Female

Constellation: Aries

Race: Pegasus

Pet : Male tortoise Tank


A pony with a sky-blue body, rainbow-colored mane, and rose-red eyes. Cutie Mark is a rainbow lightning underneath a cloud.

Outgoing, brave, loves to laugh, loves to play pranks, and is somewhat boyish. When flying, a rainbow will be trailed by its tail, and it can run very fast even without its wings. She has a sisterly relationship with Scootaloo. He can fly at supersonic speeds to produce sonic rainboom, and he doesn't like to do any grooming or maintenance (but he did have a hoof trimming in the sixth season). Become a member of the Wonderbolts in Season 6. He and Pinkie Pie are friends who play pranks together.

When he was a child, in order to help Fluttershy, he competed with other Pegasus and used a sonic rainbow boom. If she hadn't used the sonic rainboom, the other five ponies wouldn't have discovered their true talents. The reason for the emergence of Cutie mark is "loyal to oneself".

Fanatical worship of Daring Do

Represents "loyalty" in Elements of harmony.

The name is composed of rainbow and dash.