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2 simple drawing pictures of Paw Paw Team Archie

Archie’s simple drawing pictures 1

2 simple drawing pictures of Paw Paw Team Archie

Archies simple drawing pictures 2

2 simple drawing pictures of Paw Paw Team Archie

Archies introduction

Equipment: (dark blue )Traffic police backpack, spy backpack, spy helmet, police car, spy car, flight backpack, tricycle, water police car, drone

Breed: German Shepherd

Position: Traffic police, agent

Good at: tracking, hunting

Characteristics: allergic to feathers, cats, flowers, etc.

Awards: First place in the Adventure Bay Sheepdog Competition


1. Keep it with Archie, the best secret agent!

2. Keep it with me!

3. The Paw Patrol is ready for action, Captain Ryder!

Address: Paw Patrol Headquarters

Age: 7 years old

Friends: Paw Patrol All