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Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

1. Draw auxiliary lines to mark the position of the head and body

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

2. Simply draw the hands and feet

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

3. Draw the ponys nose

< img alt="Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony Simple Drawing Tutorial" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/202203/3lksrjkcvvm.jpg" />

4. Draw eyes and mouth

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

5. Draw the hat worn by a pony

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

6. Draw the body

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

7. Draw Pete’s hands

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

8. Draw Pete The patterns on the feet and face

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

9. Perfect the details

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial

10. Erase the auxiliary lines to complete

Peppa Pig and Pete the Pony simple drawing tutorial