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Double Ninth Festival handmade

Handmade embroidered chrysanthemums for Double Ninth Festival

Materials:Solid color cotton and linen cloth, embroidery stretcher, embroidery thread, embroidery needle, ink eraser pen, scissors

Production steps

Step 1: Use a water-disposable pen on cotton and linen cloth Draw the outlines of three wild chrysanthemums. It should be noted that at least two concentric circles should be drawn in the flower core.

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Second step:First embroider the stamens using the down embroidery stitch method

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Step 3:Use white embroidery thread along the outline of the small circle, and use a Chinese needle Use embroidery stitches to embroider the petals.

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Step 4:Use the same method to embroider a second circle of petals along the large circle, but it should be noted that the starting and setting of the stitches in this circle are best the same as those in the firstThe circles are staggered so that there will be a sense of hierarchy.

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Step 5:Use scissors to cut the closed petals as shown in the picture. In this way, the flower embroidery is completed.

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Step 6:Use outline embroidery to embroider the flower stem, and use satin embroidery stitch to embroider the leaves. Thats all fixed.

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Step 7:Use the same method to embroider two or more wild chrysanthemums.

Double Ninth Festival handmade

Simple drawing:Double Ninth Festival handmade